2018 Spring Retreat: To stand without action, To pray without demand, To wait like a secret

2018 Spring Retreat: To stand without action, To pray without demand, To wait like a secret


"The Song of the 12 Points Shining Bright as the Starry Sky and Able to Heal All Disease"
Teaching from our annual Spring Retreat: Laura Clarke Stelmok
March 2018 ~ Whitefield, Maine
Available as download: Single ZIP file containing 2 tracks in MP3 format

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We enter a very ancient form of retreat.  An earthen floored tent on a hill.  A room that has been emptied by a prayer for prayer.  A simple ceremony to begin.  To wash your ears of the world, to wash your skin of the other room.  To meet each other anew.  Retreat is a time of prayer, to align the relationship of our birth to the will of the divine.  It’s as old as drinking water.  In Taoist alchemy, this is called shen dao, very formal ceremony to honor our death.  The way of heaven.  To follow in the footsteps of God.  This has never been something we know how to do without teachers.  A mistake in translation that’s had devastating effects on the fundamental movement of prayer in our hearts. These Songs of Creation are for the Earth now and those willing to be emptied for her sake. 

  1. The Thief 38:14

  2. Yi and Presence 19:47