blue moon


  • Please register NO LESS than 2 weeks prior to the retreat, as we purchase food and supplies well before the gathering begins. When you register, let us know if you have any specific dietary needs or concerns. We will accommodate individual requests when possible. All but $100 will be refunded if you cancel less than 4 days before the retreat begins.

  • Please Note: Our retreat center is home to 2 dogs and 1 cat. If you have allergies to pets, please discuss this with our office when you register. We have rooms that are pet-free.

  • Please note: Each participant is responsible for any art/performance supplies that are needed. We have much flexibility in terms of locations and structures for performance

TRAVEL:  For information about bus and air travel to and from Maine as well as our Shuttle Service CLICK HERE


  • The cost includes tuition/fees: The cost includes the residency and all work/communication that happens throughout each year.
    PLEASE NOTE: We are imagining that some of you may choose a payment plan, weekly or monthly for the months January to October.

  • To pay on a schedule please Email our office to arrange and confirm.

  • $CDN: We have applied an 15% discount for Canadian participants due to increased expense because of the current exchange rate.

  • If other financial arrangements besides these are necessary, please write the office and schedule a time to speak with us.

  • As always, we remain present and flexible to the economic challenges of our lives. Payment Plans & Tuition Assistance: Arrangements are to be made a minimum of 2 WEEKS prior to registration. For more information  CLICK HERE

2024 Total Cost: We have adopted a sliding scale for this residency, based on means. CND rates available upon request.
US $775 – $1350 ($86-$150/day all inclusive)

  • These rates include teaching, work spaces, room and board and retreat. We are seeking to keep our rates as low as possible and also continue to develop this program. We are currently designing more living/working space for artists. The School of 3 Lights received a small grant last year specifically to help with the increased costs of building spaces.

  • You may use the ‘Add to Cart’ below to come to the figure that is possible for you to pay. I have suggested 3 full prices. You can work with any number between as well, using the increments below.

Artist Residency: Total Cost
Artist Residency: Total Cost CAD$