2018 Autumn Retreat: Water for the thirsty

2018 Autumn Retreat: Water for the thirsty


"The Song of the 13 Ghost Points”
Teaching from our annual Autumn Retreat: Laura Clarke Stelmok
September 2018 ~ Whitefield, Maine
Available as download: Single ZIP file containing 4 tracks in MP3 format

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Autumn. When the leaves come off you see the capacity of the tree.  You see the age of the tree. You see the price of life on a tree, much more. It’s a time where we bow down, autumn.  It seems to always come too soon. The Autumn of our lives. So, we come every year, in the footsteps of those before us, those who gather to come to what it means to be a human being. We come to break the grip of materialism in each one. It requires magic. It requires the intervention of a light from another level to free you from it. To be restored to a life of devotion rather than consumption.  Pardon all crime. Yours and others.  Such is the mercy of God at the end. For love to root there is only the path of forgiveness. We learn, we must learn here at the well, in time, that the enemy is a figment of our imagination and that our rage is the experience of severance from the source of light which is within. The 13 GP’s reveal this in time.  In this way we each and all serve one another.  Friends, enemies, siblings, children, mothers, fathers.

1. A Certain Current Home 1:07:55
2. Receiving Fluid 12:44
3. Deeper Practices 3:37
4. The Song of 13 18:15