The songs of Creation

Alchemical medicine and prayer to reach the soul of humanity and the Earth

Esoteric schools have arrived perennially through time and in every culture, to guide human beings in the Way of Truth. Sincere wayfarers are gathered to seed and preserve consciousness, light, for the remembrance of our divine purpose on Earth. We are trained to live and to govern in accord with the way and intelligence of Love. This primal covenant with HeavenEarth and the longing to witness Life’s sanctity, to participate in her expression and motion, this is the great song of creation, our place, our task, our first promise.

The Songs of Creation are at the heart of this living tradition. Hidden within the distinct patterns of matter, they arrive suddenly and urgently, like the green of winter: teachings, stories, medicine, implicate communication inside of life. These Songs were given in our earliest days on Earth, to govern and restore life.  Heaven’s call and Earth’s echo, they spring forth from the great dialogue of love, engendering life and nurturing the evolution of humans and the Earth. Both teacher and task, the Songs restore harmony, divine proportion, name and authority to each point and line in creation. For many thousands of years the Songs were embodied in the medicine, the arts, the ceremony and worship, the agricultural and hunting practices of the people. They were taught and articulated through the heart of the shaman or spiritual leader responsible for the well being of the people and the earth.  Through these Songs, the unique light given to humanity is awakened and utilized. The simplicity and precision of life is praised. 

The Songs of Creation build structures of pattern and movement, sound and light between heaven and earth, as above, so below, through the heart of the devoted servant.  The Songs are both this movement and simultaneously the agent of it.  As medicine/treatment protocols they arrive from the time when illness was not treated as an individual affliction, when medicine was precisely the adherence to and participation in natural cycles. They found a home in the medical tradition of the Taoists, working directly with our Earth as well as the mandate of her relationship with Heaven.  Otherwise untreatable disease and dissonance can be corrected through the hands of physicians and artists trained to remember this work. Cracks are found through which the deepest intelligence of Love finds its way. The Songs are to humans what the migration pathways are to the monarch or the whale, the warbler or the continents.  They return us to true: true sound, true north, true qi in the fabric of our purpose and God-given shape.

We are each and all given to the task of guardianship of this life.  This tradition teaches us to remember this task. We are, in this labor, restored to sanity and the joy of life. The human heart is the universal translator, the meeting place of the worlds. We remember our Creator, the eternity of our beginning and our end.  So great is the mystery of this love, one could continually praise the magnificence of Her/His world for 1000 years and never once repeat a word.

The original designs carry and incarnate the secrets of life, the anatomy and living intelligence of the forces in life. Stardust and starlight. Esoteric tradition is perennial, appearing and disappearing at the hands of the guardians of our planet. The Songs of Creation return from the mists of time, literally. This communication is like breathing, living prayer, from the worlds of the unseen to the seen.

The Songs simultaneously work with the movement of the stars, the birds, and the seas in our world and inside each person. The revelation that each human being is the microcosm of the whole is returned. The Songs of Creation carry the secrets of Oneness, the deepest secrets of human incarnation. 

The Cry of Creation and the Human Soul
“A Quaternity: 4 Songs of Creation ~ The Turning of the Earth and The Orbit of the Sun”

The teaching, transmission and medicine within this school has been woven into and through 4 distinct Songs of Creation, not unlike how the center, the position of one human being or one species on Earth is articulate only through the 4 directions and the regulation of the 4 seasons. How our work is given and lived. A simple text is written for each Song below to point to the vastness and specificity of each. Each one is born of the space between the stars.

The Song of the 12 Points Shining Bright as the Starry Sky and Able to Heal All the Many Diseases (12)
The Song of Genesis: 7 Stars, 7 Masters, 7 Dragons (7)
The Song of the 13 Ghost Points (13)
The Song of Heaven in 3 Notes: The Dark Behind the Dark (3)

The Song of the 12 Points Shining Bright as the Starry Sky and Able to Heal All the Many Diseases

From the maze of oneself and this world, through the veils of light and dark, the Song of the Starry Skies sings the forgotten promise of the soul's union with the Divine.  The Song is reflected from the heart of the guide into the heart of the sincere traveler. It is the bond itself, between teacher and student. To be bound in Love and released. This Song, able to heal all disease, is given as the immediate and direct will of Heaven to light the soul's path home.  Living this Song will break the curse, heal the disease, sever the attachment holding the servant to the past or future.   

"See, the bliss and the joy which this Bridegroom brings in His coming are fathomless and incommensurable, for He Himself is that bliss and joy. And therefore, the eyes with which the spirit contemplates and gazes upon its Bridegroom are so widely dilated that they will never again be closed. For the gazing and contemplation of the spirit remain eternally fixed on the hidden revelation of God, and the comprehension of the spirit is so widely dilated for the coming of the Bridegroom that the spirit itself has become the wideness which it apprehends. And so God is apprehended and seen with God ; in this all our blessedness resides."  The Blessed John of Ruysbroeck (1293-1381)

Spiritual power, unlike temporal power, is only given in service, never for oneself.  The Song itself warns  "To the unscrupulous do not pass this on, the unfaithful have only restless talk."  The apprenticeship trains and prepares one over years to receive this firing and to serve this Song.  The love demands discipline and the devotion that drives some lives from beginning to end.  It is a truth serum in 12 stages, 12 initiatory gulps, that dissolves, even shatters illusion, and therefore disease, "Like hot water on snow."  Through the veils of this world, the wayfarer is drawn home.   

As the title of this Song promises, it is 'Able to Heal all the many Diseases'.  It is renown for working with Gu Syndromes, worms, and through this protocol, for reaching effectively into some of the severe parasitic diseases of our time, including the materialism that is devastating our planet. The alchemical fire that is built within the movement of this Song requires commitment and endurance of the practitioner to her/his own development.  The individual training of practitioners is rigorous and happens one on one in relationship with Laura during and after the treatments.

The light of this Song calls especially to those artists who are listening, watching, waiting, often alone, working for the seeds, the consciousness which is not yet here.

"With support use the rule of support; with severance, use the rule of severance.  All 360 holes do not escape these 12 strange charms; healing a disease is like magic;  A torrent whirling as wind-driven snow, the Northern Dipper sends down its true workings.  The Golden Lock teaches us to snap it open.  One truly clever can pass this on; the unfaithful have only restless talk." The 12 Points Shining Bright as the Starry Sky and Able to Heall all the Many Diseases


The Song of Genesis: 7 Stars, 7 Masters, 7 Dragons 

The Song of Genesis is a protocol essential for our time.  We have forgotten the roots of life and the reciprocal relationship between the divinity of Earth, the authority of Heaven and ourselves.  We have forgotten our own sacred purpose, guardians of creation.  Because of this there is not only an ecological crisis but a crisis in the soul of humanity and the soul of the earth.

The Song of Genesis: 7 Stars, 7 Masters, 7 Dragons is the physician, a lineage of masters that keep watch on and for the world, a lineage that tends the interrelationship of the worlds. The Sufis would call the love of this song the bond between the Creator and the Creation. Nisbah. The Taoists live this as the Road of the Immortals.

This Song arrives from the beginning, the power and precision of the fire of genesis, the first word of life.  Preserved and distilled into a 7/14 point protocol by the Taoist tradition of acupuncture, this Song restores the movement of life at the very root of an individual: an individual human, elemental, jinn, or place. The Song of the 7 restores right relationship of the spirits and the essences, of spring to autumn, of summer to winter, of potential to authenticity.  As the river carries the water from the mountain to the sea, the Song of 7 carries the current, the symphony of the inter-related weave of intelligence on Earth.  As both the goose and the migration pathway of the geese are in the original design of the Earth, this Song governs the manifestation of the original pattern of life given to each person/species.  It is used in the tradition of medicine to intervene when the essential pattern of life has been damaged or arrested.  When the spirits, like the birds, cannot communicate freely, life as we know it can no longer exist.  The human being becomes a robot, at the mercy of forces beyond his/her agency or even belief.  The Song of 7 is a song of resurrection, resuscitating the faith of the practitioner as the life of the patient is returned. 

The Beloved gave me some dust from the back yard.
Why are you so fragrant, oh dust?
I am a dust people tread upon.
But I partake of the fragrance of the courtyard of a saint.
It is not me, I am just ordinary dust.
So if people praise you, you must say you were just near a flower,
But you are just an ordinary dust and it is all due to his lotus feet.

Persian poem

The Song of 7 reaches directly into disorders in the relationship of the spirits, both at the individual level and among the intelligences of Earth Herself.  The song restores the relationship between Heaven, Earth and the 10,000, one person, being at a time.  At the hand of this Song, the lame walk and the blind see. Argument is transformed back into music.  It is a song of Love, in which the name of every point and line of creation is known.  It is the light that remembers one's purpose, the ground from which one is grown.  As rain brings green to the desert, this song returns the light of God/Heaven to life.  This song works with the movement of the stars, the sun and moon, the birds, and the oceans inside of each human being.  The revelation that each individual human being is the microcosm of the whole is given back. 

The Song reaches for, preserves something so precious, not findable through any direct action.  It works backwards, anti-clockwise, reducing from what is unessential to what is essential. To hear the song requires losing, and requires an almost laser like focus. One is trained to focus into the empty space, not blinking, so that the emptiness itself becomes articulate.  The listening and seeing become one, both together, throwing one into nothing, but for this laser focus.  The action of the song is creeping, from behind. 

The central axis is interrupted at best and completely severed at worst when the spirits are in conflict. 

The Song of the 13 Ghost Points

"All emotional ghosts have a mortal fear.  All of this ancient formula presented here! 13 Points and they disappear!"

The Song of the 13 Ghost Points is medicine given to the patient who sincerely seeks freedom and the practitioner who is bound to the deepest call of service.  A Song of oneness and the completion of a human being, it sounds to patient and practitioner, student and teacher, earth and heaven simultaneously.  To vanquish the power of ghosts, all that haunts and holds humans captive to suffering: the release from Internal, External and Miscellaneous Causes of Disease.  

From the alchemical tradition of Taoist Medicine, the 13 Ghost Points bring us alive, render us teachable, and from the deepest wells of faith, restore our obedience to Love. The Song is a door, a guarded practice into the 13 initiatory stages of human consciousness. The written song, compiled into a treatment protocol in the 6th century AD, comes from the great Taoist physician Sun Si Miao.  It is, however, initially attributed to the legendary doctor Bian Que, The Bird Physician, from the time of the Yellow Emperor 400-300 BC. 

The Ode to the 13 Ghost Points unravels the undue influence of the perversity of the lower nature: trauma, addiction, poison, greed, sloth, cold, phlegm, war, starvation, disease, high fructose corn syrup, mental conditioning, educational agendas, cultural conditioning, etc, etc. When the Essences have been devoured and the spirits have scattered….even then, this Song can be called. The Ode to the 13 Ghost Points is a practice, a medicine of faith, active, 100% faith: the realm of miracles. 

At the hand of a trained practitioner, The Song of the 13 Ghost Points sings the true sound of the Human's Cry to Heaven. Heaven’s response arrives from the first covenant, like rain, washing away the distortions, malformations, atrocities that cover the original gift of life. It is possible for a single human, patient and practitioner, to be found and made right. These are disciplines of spiritual poverty and purification that live in all mystical tradition. In this light, it is possible to reach the heart of our world, the heart of humanity.

The Song restores right relationship in the heart of the human between heaven and earth.  She is emptied of herself, restored to sanity, eyes lifted to heaven.  This Song is the teacher, the wayfarer is relieved of the burden of self, a very precise system that returns one to the feet of life's majesty and the silence of which it is made.

An alchemical fire is built, wherein the illusions of the human mind are sacrificed, unraveled, burned.  A structure of sound is built in the vast emptiness of the heart.  What is not essential is transformed, dissolved. The practitioner is emptied of all that covers the sovereignty of the heart. Restored to glorious yang, the attachments of yin, of Earth, are burned, willingly. Desparation drives us to bow down. The alchemy of the Light of Heaven calling to the Light within Matter, the Light hidden in the darkness of ourselves. Light upon Light. The Song of the 13 Ghost Points will turn the heart of a human being… (we are never who we think we are)…to bear divine will.

The Song of 13 is the purification and the transformation of a human being, the fire that calls the heart, purifies the heart and then extinguishes the dominance of our lower natures. The Song of 13 is the alchemical system that turns lead into Gold, the deepest current in the evolution of human consciousness.

"Give me the freedom to fly without a shadow, to sing without an echo, and to love without leaving traces."   Irina Tweedie. 

The Song of Heaven in 3 Notes: The Dark Behind the Dark

A man once asked me, "Is there a way into the other place, here on Earth?" I said, "Yes. There is a door between this room and the other. For every person its size is subtly different, for it has the shape each being makes when on their knees. No one enters the rose garden unless lost in adoration and wonder. No one walks through that door except on their knees."  old Sufi Saying

The Song of Heaven is a secret, the hidden way of return. One could say that the Song of Heaven is the path of the faithful believer, those called to Her secret, the secret of Creation.

This tradition tunes each traveler who comes to this hidden Light. It is why the ancient weavings of the sacred feminine, and Her ways, have been spoken of as Songs of Creation. Songs that articulate the sacred weave and its purpose. Oneness.

The Song of Heaven is at first and for a long time, a position. In this position the pilgrim, the daughter, travels initially as a human representative. To begin, she/he leaves herself at the door. She must reclaim her humanity first, for the journey that reaches the secret that creation is. This is a paradox, for the journey itself is how one becomes human, but to begin the journey one must have excavated the jewel. And so the love of loves, She the devoted servant, is approached without fear. She, the source of fear, calls to Love. All that I am not.

The art of love is entirely dependent upon timing: right place, right time, right people. To enter the domain of this Her Song, no longer looking at anything, no longer trying to correct yourself or even life, one foot and then the next, you must no longer require reassurance as once you did. You will pass through a gate and wait. Please rest in the silence of this Song, this journey. It is more important than you know, to change the tempo, the reach, the purpose even of why you are here, the place where the path is entered.

Her need calls some few out of your lives. It is not the cry of a baby, rather the cry of She who is the heart of the world. You choose to lose your footing in the gravity of her call. This is an ancient pilgrimage, one that seekers of the secret have always sought the entrance to. It is so rarely available and almost never visible. A few seconds maybe is all, the crack may open. Why, you ask? For the Sake of the Beloved. That She, His Bride, is touched, may exert Her benevolence through the force of forgetfulness, through the pull toward and through the trick, Her trick. May Mercy bleed into our world.

A path to complete yourself and then offer yourself completely. To be delivered to the opening of Her secret, there is no honor greater. The Song of Heaven is the path and the light by which to see it.