“A Quaternity: The 4 Songs ~ The Turning of the Earth and The Orbit of the Sun”
A Return to the Intelligence and Movement of Prayer
Talks from our annual Autumn Retreat: Laura Clarke Stelmok
September 2021 ~ Under the Tent ~ Whitefield, Maine
Available as download: Single ZIP file containing 8 tracks in MP3 format
Tracks 7-14 (of 14)
1. To Be Loved Real 1:37:33
2. From Heart to Heart 16:42
3. The Song of Genesis in Her Purity 50:57
Michelle Gharst recites The Emerald Tablet
4. A Simplicity that is Beyond Word 2:46
5. Relieved of the Burden of Meaning 36:30
6. Back to the Beginning 41:09
7. A Blessing 4:33
8. The Source of Terror 10:45
9. Seek only that of which you have no clue 6:57
10. For the Sake of the Primordial Promise 7:35
This track begins with Laura reading words written by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee.
11. Together Under the Tent 17:35
12. Wake Up 4:10
13. Two Experiences 11:50
14. The Transition 6:04
Human beings were asked, before we were made we were asked if we would come to this creation to witness God, to witness the creation, the Creator. Every religious tradition has a story of this promise. To choose to witness the Creator inside of the Creation. The Taoists call it the mystery behind the mystery, and she is female.
Almost nothing is written. There are pictures scratched on stone walls. When the wolf, the red pigment, and the hand of the woman on the wall became one, the worlds could touch; the fever lifted; the corruption at the heart of the tribe was purified. The song of the buffalo. The song of the raven. The song of the aster.
And we walked and we walked and we walked; we walked the lines of light. We moved. Life wasn't in one place. We moved with weather; we moved with the continents. The Songs of Creation were how we lived. We knew where we belonged. The Songs reminded us if tragedy happened and we forgot. And human beings were given the possibility to return to the source of song.
This tradition returned, came in like the tide really. And, so much medicine has happened at these gatherings. So crazy we have become. Truly. Mad. Terrified, lonely, traumatized, violated, lost. And the medicine has been pouring in, pouring in through the Songs. The Weaver stitching tears in our minds, some of them personal, some of them because of something or many things that have happened, and some we have been born into. And the Songs like a needle and thread go to the place, the tear that you were born into. And we stitch and we stitch and we stitch. A living thread, a thread of living substance that changes our memory.
This is very old magic. It's the magic that a butterfly is made with. It's the magic how honey is made. It's the magic of the light hidden inside of matter that can repair beyond sound.
Dream from August of 2018: I wake with a pearl. A single image, a single experience that is at the surface, distilled from the night. To have traveled the full initiatory path, 13 stages to completion.The ordeal is over. What has from moment to moment, year to year been a constant pressing, a pressure, both from within and without. Sometimes terror, sometimes exhaustion, certainly confusion, with no certainty that one was moving or moved from stage to stage. The pressure of the path of 13 feels to the traveler unbearable. And as I wake, as if complete and released, now in a boat with Khidr, reaching over the gunnels into the water with our hand. The way dawn dispels night, a gentleness that cannot ever be expressed. Khidr's presence, the presence of God, a simplicity that is beyond word.