2020 Spring Retreat (PART II)
2020 Spring Retreat (PART II)
Without the Sacred Feminine Nothing New can be Born
Call upon this Song to enter where you do not believe Love can root.
"The Song of the 12 Points Shining Bright as the Starry Sky and Able to Heal All Disease"
Teaching from our annual Spring Retreat: Laura Clarke Stelmok
March 2020 ~ Whitefield, Maine
Available as download: Single ZIP file containing 7 (of 12) tracks in MP3 format
Tracks 6-12
1. The Beginning: 2 Letters in 3 Parts 30:41*
2. Introduction: To Know Thyself 24:20
3. Mother of Green 11:47
4. A Question: “Is my logical mind a problem in spiritual life?” 9:50
5. Shen Dao (Spirit Path) 13:08
6. Conversation with Ma Danyang 18:47
7. An Elegy to the Hag 10:25
8. The Erotic of the Feminine is Within – Laura responds to a question 5:54
9. The Intelligence of the Unseen-The Jinn 25:11
10. Excerpts of Two Letters: Movements between You and Me 5:44
11. The Purpose of the Group 12:09
12. Laura reads about The Friends of God: Text written by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee 22:36**
*Apologies, some of this track is poorly recorded
**Neither of the East nor the West: The Journey of the Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya from India to America, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, The Golden Sufi Center
Without the Sacred Feminine Nothing New can be Born
Call upon this Song to Enter Where you do not Believe Love can Root ~ Shen Dao
The Mountain Kunlun, that guards the Center of divine consciousness in all worlds is the home of the Queen Mother of the West. The Mother of All. Who, as the texts say “makes forays into this world for the necessity of truth and the healing when humans have lost their way.” She guards truth, the path of the Immortals. She travels into and out of this world as the melody within each Song of Creation. How the swarm of bees carrying their queen knows where to build the hive.
This Tradition, this Song of 12 Stars Shining Bright as the Starry Skies Able to Heal All Disease was laid gently into Her hand in the beginning, to bestow upon humanity, right time, right place, right people. The promise of Beauty and Truth at the Heart of Creation in the heart of every human being. The necessity of each soul’s birth and death, exit and entry, as the natural essential expression of One.
To surrender, which is the longing of the soul, to give oneself completely; to surrender I must know myself. A very great mystery to know thyself. It doesn’t mean I know how I feel. It doesn’t mean I can describe to you all my character defects. That’s preliminary; that’s baseline necessary, because otherwise, I’m run around by things that aren’t me, and I don’t know it. To know thyself; it is only then that I bow down with all that I am. Very mysterious, very deep magic, mean magic like bees making honey, magic like a green worm becoming a butterfly. Science has put us in a position of thinking we need to understand it. No. We participate in The Songs of Creation. We live Creation. We are inside it. Without the sacred feminine nothing new can be born. We are here under the greatest of authorities. All questions welcomed when the time is right.