blue moon

The 3 Lights Project

This is an archive of older audio talks given by Laura Clarke Stelmok that come from the 3 Lights Project.  We will add to this archive each year. All talks are available as MP3 files for listening on-site or downloading. Recordings are listed below chronologically by the year the talk was given. More current teachings are available for sale HERE.

NEW! Audio Recordings added in 2020 to our Archive are marked NEW!

Greenlight 2014-2020


1 Talk 78 mins from the spring weekend: Laura Clarke Stelmok
April 2017 ~ Whitefield, Maine
GreenLight (2014-2020): a 7 Year Group

Increasingly I am learning the force that is required to live the courtesy of the soul. It requires power. It requires discipline, and it requires strength. In this culture in this time this courtesy is not natural, begs to be remembered. With grace and cultivation, it becomes the nature of our being.  But that takes some time. And faith in full measure.

To bear the heat. To learn to bear the heat of love. The intelligence of love. That is what GreenLight is for me. 

“Let us go hand in hand. Let us enter the presence of truth. Let it be our judge. Let it imprint it’s seal upon our union forever.” Ibn al' Arabi

lantern 2015-2021


Opening Talk 24 mins: Laura Clarke Stelmok
October 2017 ~ Townshend, Vermont
Lantern (2015-2022): a 7 Year Group

"To bear the heat of the day.  To bear the light of truth.  To be made capable of living it.  For the stars, for the sun, for the universe, for the universes.  That a certain nobility, a certain dignity has to be repaired in order to even live this, and in living this the nobility is restored.  The poverty of the soul, the poverty of the heart is restored.  Right place, right time, right people."


Teaching excerpts from the opening weekend: Laura Clarke Stelmok
May 2015 ~ Townshend, Vermont
Lantern (2015-2022): a 7 Year Group

These recordings are excerpted from the first weekend retreat of Lantern. Introductory and preparatory conversations for a 7 year group. Part of The 3 Lights Project (2014-2024), the group travels deep into the inner world of psyche, the Earth of Vision.

"This work demands humility and maturity and tremendous focus, that we may be servants to preserve truth within life.  That pollen waiting to be found in the inner world may travel back with us into our world now, for our children’s children’s children. Dignity is restored when we live for what is not yet here."

And as Rumi says, Each and every part of the world is a snare for the fool and a means of deliverance for the wise.  I said to the white haired world, you are both snare and admonition.  It replied, “Although I am an ancient master, I am still his young disciple.”  “To learn to watch Love. The instructions inside of Love.  The love goes where it is needed, and it goes with the texture and the speed which is needed to get there.  Love is dynamic, always changing. You can watch it in the group.  You can watch it in the medicine.  You can watch it looking out the window, listening to someone talk, and within your heart. "

streetlamp 2016-2022