audio Archives
The song of heaven in 3 notes: The dark behind the dark
Thank you for coming to the archive of The Song of Heaven in 3 Notes, the Winter Retreat of the 3 LIghts Project. This is an archive of audio talks given by Laura Clarke Stelmok that come from this retreat through 2021. The teachings are available for listening and/or downloading at no cost on this archive. The teachings are organized by gatherings listed by year chronologically backwards in time, with the gathering in 2021 listed first. The teachings from the final gathering in Fall 2022 will be soon available for sale HERE. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions.
This retreat has been an annual gathering of the 3 Lights Project through 2022. We gather near the Winter Solstice each year. Her gaze is the Milk of God. One touch and She can heal all that is ill. The Song of Heaven in 3 Notes is a plea, a promise. It is a constellation of 3 stars, 3 notes, 3 directions, 3 worlds. Heaven Earth Human. It comes alive in the innermost chamber of your heart, and calls to you. The human heart...imagine a golden compass that spins in the vast space between suns. Imagine within this oracle, there lies dormant the recognition of all sound, every name. We were given the capacity to live the communication between all worlds. The mystical feminine holds the key to this work of redemption.
2021 song of heaven retreat
December: “The Song of Heaven in 3 Notes: The Dark Behind the Dark ~ The Art of Love” ~ 7 Tracks
The art of love is entirely dependent upon timing. The right place, right time, right people to enter the page. One could say the teachings are inside of the breath. One must no longer be looking at anything. One must no longer be trying to correct him or herself, or life itself. One foot and then one foot. No longer do you require reassurance as once you did. Pass through that gate now and wait. Please rest in the silence of this retreat. It is important, more important than you know now, to change the tempo, your tempo, to change the reach, your reach.
2020 song of heaven retreat
December: “The Song of Heaven in 3 Notes: The Dark Behind the Dark” ~ 17 Tracks
Will you give your breath for the planting of a seed? That will, that may one day open. A light hidden, from another world, to kindle again the fire of the soul of our world, our humanity. We live in a time of diabolical haunting. Truly, we no longer know even what we look like. Will you bend, lay your hand upon Her skin? Ocean mountain sidewalk. Her pestilence. Will you bend and listen, beyond sound. She will come to you one day. She will lay bare your hand, your heart. Please tonight prepare yourselves for the weight of silence, for only this, this living black presence. For only this prepares the heart, waits upon the arrival of your friendship.
2019 song of heaven retreat
December: “The Song of Heaven in 3 Notes: The Dark Behind the Dark” ~ 9 Tracks
The Songs are in all of life. They don’t belong to anyone. This is a tradition that weaves, with and in the Songs where there has been forgetting, where there has been damage. When a new revelation of the Divine is being prepared for, like soil is prepared for a new seed, or the womb is prepared for a conception. This is a tradition of individuals who have taken birth together, often at very dangerous times here on Earth. We know how to bury things inside of these Songs. We know how to finish troubles that have haunted a or a nation for thousands of years, or even a people. It’s very mysterious how we are used. This not a gathering for anyone who is interested in secondhand reports. This is an ancient mystical tradition. It has to do with the awakening of the heart in each one of us and inside of the Songs. Our hearts are then used like a star in a constellation of stars. A constellation of stars can focus a ray of love in a different way than an individual star can.
This tradition is very close to a certain thread of the earliest Taoist tradition and the early Taoists found a way to preserve the doors into these Songs of Creation through medicine, inner practices, and poetry. And they are still guarded. The Song arrives in words. The Song is arriving in the room between our eyes. The notes of each soul are heard inside the Song. If you have come sincerely you are heard long before you know it.
We will move from living prayer, living medicine with one another to conversation, back and forth, to silence. This is a very provocative medicine. It is a very strong current and mostly it is an experience of descent. Very occasionally there is a soul that experiences something different. But the tradition of the Song of Heaven is of descent. The rain the love is given, and it’s always given in your name. It doesn’t come any other way.
2018 song of heaven retreat
December: “Retreat, Magic and Prayer” ~ 3 Tracks
“This particular retreat holds the Three Lights Project. It’s the retreat that the 3 lights project was dreamt out of and the place that the 3 Lights projects come once a year to be nourished, to be given something in the dark of the heart that we then carefully live over the coming year. The retreat is in a certain sense like a dream that guides your feet to what is most essential. Retreat is a different time, a different place that the three groups, the 3 lights come to. Every retreat is a beginning. It’s a strange thing. In ancient wisdom traditions there’s very rigorous preparatory training. Some of it is very physical because you have to learn how to know that you are not your body. You learn to live without certain things. You learnt to tolerate discomfort. You are tricked, severely tricked to find out if your longing is true. If life betrays you, are you still willing to walk toward truth? If you are lost for 15 years on route to meet your teacher. When someone finds you, are you still on route to find your teacher, or have you been seduced by pomegranates or banana trees or raising goats? There’s a preparation to come into a tradition that works directly with the heart. “
Would you dare to believe that a door has been built through which there is no end to the Glory of the Light of God. I remember as a child reading of the door, at world’s end, in Narnia, through which Aslan led them all. The world of Light, Mundus Imaginalis, the Celestial World of Hurqualya. The World of the Soul. Would you dare to believe that a tree was grown there, from which a door was made and then given? Would you dare to believe that a guide appears at this door, to take you, one at a time, into this world of light upon light? Would you dare to believe that all that we hold dear—Violets and rainbows and the blue green sky?—Here on Earth, Her currents, the pathways of intelligence in every fiber of Her being come from There? That the magic of creation, the songs that give birth to life each and every moment originate there? That the spring of life to quench the thirst of each one of you, is there? Not here? Would you believe that we, humans, in our obsession to gain all, have destroyed the doors to the place where the First Tree grows? We have forgotten that this journey, back and in, is the purpose of incarnation.
To be born into a time when the sacred root of life has been severed requires facing ourselves, in ways we have not heretofore imagined.
1. The 3 Lights 1:20:00
2. To Wait 9:54
3. In the Spaces 15:30
2017 song of heaven retreat
December: “She, The Secret Hidden in the Darkness of Creation ~ 5 Tracks
“Because all creation was formed through Her, as in the twinkling of an eye.” Hildegard von Bingen
The Song of Heaven, She, listens to every breath. She, The secret hidden in the darkness of creation. The secret light of Heaven inside. Waiting. Calling. The Song of Heaven is a descent, down. A testing, a training, a love affair. To the root of the root of yourself. She who waits in the darkness. It is a journey through layers of deception. To be undone by love. On Earth as it is in Heaven.
In our time we are living a nightmare of the masculine principle that has gone awry. We are trapped in a very bad dream, a dream of taking at any cost. A dream of war. A terrible, terrible dream of greed. The Song of Heaven calls us back to Her.
Our disconnection from the heart of our world leaves all of life afraid. More every week. The elementals, the ghosts, the jinn, not to mention the large mammals and the birds. And us. The Song of Heaven carries instructions from the beginning. She knows how life works at the deepest level. Her first instruction long ago to the first women who were given the thread to carry for all. Her first instruction to reach the root, to repair the severance, is to face oneself, to face what terrifies you.
2016 song of heaven retreat
December: “A Request. A Response. A Promise” ~ 5 Tracks
This is a tradition that carries, awakens and lives the magic in creation. A tradition of guardianship of the deep intelligence and mystery of Love. This is an esoteric tradition. Hidden. Teachings and training through time. Ever present, that waits, a mystical tradition of grace. To weave Love into the hearts of people, Love into the story of life. One person; one soul at a time. The longing for the real is resurrected. We are freed. Life itself is freed from the illusory world our egos have fashioned. This is a tradition that comes from the beginning. A direct chain of transmission. This is a tradition at the hem of the Almighty. It is given for the outpouring of love form the one to the many. The mystical feminine holds the key to this work. Her gaze, the milk of God. The Song of Heaven in three notes is an invitation. A plea. A living prayer. To guide us, to remember us, to take our hand toward our end. The love which passeth all understanding. The dark behind the dark. Her black eyes in which every lover longs to lose herself, himself for one for all, for Love itself. This is the Winter Retreat of The 3 Lights Project.
2015 Song of Heaven retreat
December: “The Heart. A Golden Compass” ~ 9 Tracks
The Song of Heaven restores the emptiness, the void in the heart of an individual, of a group, a group of seekers willing to be used as one heart and one hand. To reach Heaven in the heart of our world. Restore love as the Lord and Sovereign of life. Only through the emptiness of the human heart does the love reach its’ mark. The human heart. Imagine a golden compass that spins in the vast space between suns. Imagine within this oracle the particular instrument lies dormant. The recognition of all sound, every name. We were given to the capacity to live the communication between all worlds. We have settled for so little. This is the authority given from the emptiness of the heart. Remember that we travel through Her, to meet Her.