blue moon

Greenlight 2014-2020


Thank you for coming to the archive of GreenLight, the first of the 3 LIghts. This is an archive of audio talks given by Laura Clarke Stelmok that come from the 3 Lights Project through 2021. The teachings are available for listening and/or downloading at no cost on our archive. The teachings are organized by gatherings listed by year chronologically backwards in time, with the final gathering in 2020 listed first. The audio recordings for GreenLight begin in 2017. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions.

2020 greenlight

Spring: “We wait for the sound that is hidden.” ~ 19 Tracks
Let us leave in Mercy. Let us leave mercy, even beauty at our feet for now.  Something more forgotten, rotting in the very bottom of our soul must be found and carried into the fire. The essence of this refuse has gone extinct in modern man. Only a hint remains. Put on your mask to lose your mask and come. You cannot know where we travel lest you waste your life trying to outsmart Her. We unravel the curse from within it to be able to travel beyond it. The language of description, even decision dissolves. And hidden deep within the ocean of creation, dauntless.

This is the beginning of the last year of GreenlIght. The circles of the 3 lights are interwoven, moving together in a room that exists in 42 locations.  Most of us have learned in six years how to wipe our feet at the door. Most of us have learned something of the mystery of the purification of our speech. Most of us have learned how to come a little closer to one another. We have allowed the unconscious to erupt inside the group that is us, in service to the dissembling of the ego of our time and the possibility of something lost in the very depths of our unconscious to receive something in us. 

We arrive into an empty room and we wait for the sound of the humpback whale or the volcano or the child severed from everything that she or he belongs to. We wait for the sound that is hidden. We listen through the stories that we arrive with to something we have forgotten every time we meet.  One cannot walk on one’s own volition to the light of green.  We listen through one another. We listen through the conversation that we already are. The purpose of a human being is to stand between heaven and earth and praise heaven. We are the location of the conversation of heaven and earth. The human heart. That is our purpose that is our anatomy. For the purpose of the heart to begin to guide your life a light must be given.

Winter: “A Wild Experiment” ~ The Final Gathering ~ 13 Tracks
What if it's simpler than you think? What if love is simpler than your worry is? Obsession is driven by fear. Obedience is driven by love. An acupuncture teacher once told me the way you know whether the presence of God is in the heart of a person is whether you can see the presence of the master-servant relationship alive in their life. It’s as obvious as whether you have a blue sweater on. Love is the most powerful force in the world. It is not a romance novel. It is what we are made of and it is the force that makes us. Real obedience comes from love and human beings have to choose it. Butterflies don't. They cannot be anything other than their nature. They are never disobedient to their nature.

In order to follow the guidance of the higher self, of the teacher, of God, what is required is the sixth sense. Henry Corbin called it mundus imaginalis, the creative imagination. It is impossible to catch the hint from the light of the soul, the heart of the teacher, or the source of our being, it is impossible to catch the hint without it. It is a sense that is rooted in the sacred. It is the language of the soul. So, one could very simply say the 3 Lights Project, The 3 lights are given to awaken - and if the surrender comes- to train this sixth sense to lead a guided life. We can't be guided without it.

1.  A Wild Experiment 41:36
2.  Because We Need It. 5:18
3.  Driven by love. 6:16
4.  Whispers of Love  5:27
5.  At the Feet of Her Song  9:03
6.  Language Beneath our Feet. 4:36
7.  The Rain is the Rain 4:30
8.  Weeds Along the Road. 8:03
9.  What Might They Need? 5:35
10.  We Become the Instrument  3:57
11.  Seasons of Atonement  8:34
12.  Tiny Space  8:52
13.  On the Edge of Love’s Seat  5:01

2019 greenlight

Spring: “Two Primary Forces in a Human Being” ~ 16 Tracks
There are two primary forces in a human being. One is the force to keep us alive, our survival instincts and the will of life. And the other is the force in us to love God, to seek the Divine, to love the source of our being, to love what is most holy. That is a much stronger force than the force to stay alive, but it must be awoken.

What is it that awakens a force of Oneness? How does that happen and how, once it has happened, how do you change and how you live to guard that?

Summer: The 13 Ghost Points: 1000 conversations to end racism ~ The reverence for the creation of the human being
10 Tracks ~ Most of these teachings arrive as part of many 1:1 conversations between Laura and the group.

The soul is tested by fire. Every imaginable obstacle is put in front of you. And how do you respond? The Three Lights call a note hidden in each person who arrives. The teachings and the theatre have arrived to show the way of deconstructing yourselves. How? How to bear the heat? How to build the courage? How to bear the betrayal that you live? How to bow down inside of that? 

We will live the 13 Ghost Points this weekend to enter the very root of the unconscious architecture, the curse of racism. In one woman at the center of us all. Physician, Witness, Friend. The Song as alchemical medicine, if we can bear the precision of the mastery of the creator’s hands in an individual human being, comes alive in every heart. The texts are being written in this treatment, this ceremony that will lead our hearts and tongues: 1,000 conversations to end racism. If fear could create the force of racism? What can love do?

Racism is ice cold. There is nothing remotely amenable about it. Without a cure the permissions that hold our sense of integrity at the personal level are the very same permissions that are destroying the possibility of our existence. If you actually reach the source of it in yourself – you will be surprised. It is very frightening to white people. The cold is deeper than any moral.  Racism binds us to war as does rape.  Both of them bind us to violate the sanctity of the earth without remorse. We must intervene in the diseases that we have normalized. The urgency has to do with the screaming of the earth and the screaming of the peoples who live closest to the earth because they are being genocided by greed, climate change and hate, and almost always because of the color spectrum. 

And this conversation is in the center of a conversation of mystics who are here to love the Creator. We are through the Song of 13 given a light seed that remembers who we belong to and reduces us to what is essential about the gift of our birth. Lovers of God are all race all creed all size all states of perfection and deformation, every color of granite. Human dignity is forged. We are a story of unification, not the brutal betrayal of one’s motherland. In the discipline of medicine where a physician is trained to stand right at the border between healthy tissue and diseased tissue, a mind that is in service to life and a mind that is in service to killing life. The physician is trained to stand right there. We take an oath to serve life.

2018 Greenlight

Spring: “A Clearing” ~ 1 Track
“In the very early days on Earth we walked the rivers of light in the Earth. We sang to certain caves. We sang to places that cities would form.  We seeded light in a place where humans would gather in 500 years. And that place waited for those people. We came at times when something was ending. So that civilizations were buried properly. This is a little group, at a very particular location on the inner planes. This is a very ancient tradition of those who watch over the Earth.”

Autumn: “Three Circles” ~ 3 Tracks
The three circles:  The Stone Church, the place where the tree roots, and the hearth.  Where we gather for conversation and prayer this week. We are learning about moving between different times, different worlds, in service to hidden currents of love. The human heart is the meeting place of the worlds and we are untrained. There’s something about how we live in the 3 lights that is teaching us, not a how-to manual, rather how we actually live. We move into one circle something happens, we move out, we travel to the next.  There is something in the movement between that works more like a dream, that works more at the level of human rather than the level of the individual person. We live in a very secular culture and we are accustomed to relationships that are very horizontal, very informational. And this is a tradition that illuminates souls. Three Circles, one light.


Spring: “Spiritual Courtesy and Transformation ~ 1 Track
Increasingly I am learning the force that is required to live the courtesy of the soul. It requires power. It requires discipline, and it requires strength. In this culture in this time this courtesy is not natural, begs to be remembered. With grace and cultivation, it becomes the nature of our being.  But that takes some time. And faith in full measure.

To bear the heat. To learn to bear the heat of love. The intelligence of love. That is what GreenLight is for me. 

“Let us go hand in hand. Let us enter the presence of truth. Let it be our judge. Let it imprint it’s seal upon our union forever.” Ibn al' Arabi

Summer: “The Very Root of Life” ~ 8 Tracks
Many of us spend most of our life fighting the life we have been given.  We seem quite determined to improve it.  This is a modern notion.  And one that runs at odds with spiritual life.  In the ancient world there was a great respect for fate. Where you were born, with whom, what street corner you were on when the storm arrived, the moment you broke your leg.  Very deep practices of devotion arose from an understanding of fate.  GreenLight is a border, a very narrow place.  Most pass by the borderland not even knowing they’ve passed it.  It hides in the scruff between the weeds, under the billboards, between the sounds of honking cars.  It goes unnoticed, until the longing in the heart is strong enough, the nose is opened to smell the way home.