2014 SPRING RETREAT / Opening Talk: The 12 Points Shining Bright as the Starry Sky and Able to Heal All Disease.
The three worms destroy the three spirits. The human has to be changed until she or he can become a receptacle for the nonhuman. To be changed until she or he does not interfere with the non-human dimension. The shen are not human. Alchemy is a medicine. It is our longing made incarnate. It is a discipline that only the maddest of people are interested in. It reverses the creative shen cycle. It reverses the natural order, the way, the momentum of the turning of the seasons. And it does not do this randomly. The promise of staying in the vessel is that you will be made more simple. Spiritual life is a path of losing. We are revealed. The sculptor, whether we name that sculptor the Tao, or God, or the wind, reveals the inherent essence of who you are.